Yiwu Sapphire Costume Jewelry Copany

Jewelry, Neckace, bracelet, pendent, ring, earring, tattoo,


Yiwu Sapphire Costume Jewelry Copany


  • Enterprise type:

    Enterprise ()

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  • Main Products:

    Jewelry, Neckace, bracelet, pendent, ring, earring, tattoo,

  • Address:

    26-7, Oriental Building West, Yiwu, Zhejiang, China

  • No news yet
Product Categories
  • No classification yet
  • Contacts: steve gong
  • Telephone:86-579-5548581
  • Phone:86-579-5548581
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This is to introduce ourselves as a manufacturer and exporter of costume jewelry. Our firm, yiwu commerce controlling company, located in yiwu city, china. Our products range include: Neckace, bracelet, pendent, ring, earring, tattoo, brooch, belt, crown and other accessories, made of crystal, rhinestone, beads, cateye, alloy, suede, chain, stone, seashell and other material available.Our products mainly export to western europe and USA. Why we got a great success?There are three reasons:Fir1d65st, we always catch fashion, such as suede necklace, hoop earring, charm bracelet, turquoise, rope chain, butterfly, cross, flower, onyx, crystal strtch bracelet, gold plated sterling silver, stainless steel charms, adjustable toe ring and seed beads.Secondly, we offer very competitive fashion goods.I think it best prices in the world. There is no doubt of it.Thirdly, we ofer good service. We can provide all the documents importing goods required. We assure you will be satisfied with our serv... [View details]
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